Pasta Mac and Cheese

Preparation Time:
30 mins
Baking Time:
10 people




Chop cooked ham in strips. Dice Oldenburger Burlander and Oldenburger Emmental.

The Pasta 

Put macaroni, Oldenburger Milk, Oldenburger Whipping Cream, 3 tsp Oldenburger Butter and the grated nutmeg in a pot. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10-12 minutes with lid on. Stir occasionally. Then, add boiled ham and Oldenburger Burlander as well as Oldenburger Emmental cubes. Stir gently until cheese has melted. Season with sea salt and freshly milled pepper.

The Crumbs

Melt the rest of the Oldenburger Butter, add breadcrumbs and roast.

The Final Touch

Place pasta on serving dish and garnish with roasted breadcrumbs and chives.

Tips from Chefs to Chefs

In Europe, Cheese is part of the traditional everyday diet and served with bread, gratinated or molten in sauces and soups.

Recommended Products

Oldenburger Fullcream Milk 3.5% fat, UHT, 1L
  • high nutritional value
  • full mouthfeel
  • made from cow‘s milk
Oldenburger Whipping Cream 30% fat, UHT, 1kg
  • hot & cold application
  • heat- and acid-stable
  • high whipping volume
  • versatile use
Oldenburger Butter unsalted, min. 82% fat, 200g piece
  • soft and easy to spread
  • no additives
  • made from pure cow's milk
Oldenburger Emmental 45% fat i.d.m., 3kg
  • aromatic taste
  • perfect for slicing
  • long maturing
  • ideal snack

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