- 750 g flour sea salt
- 75 g yeast
- 5 tbsp olive oil
- 500 ml chopped tomatoes
- 2.5 tbsp oregano
- freshly ground pepper
- chili flakes
- 2.5 bunch spring onions
- 7 tomatoes
- 500 g Oldenburger Mozzarella 40% fat i.d.m.
- salt pepper
- 1 bunch basil leaves
- olive oil extra virgin
The Pizza Dough
The Tomato Sauce
Preparing The Pizza
The Final Touch
Tips from Chefs to Chefs
01. Real cheese makes all the difference when melted cheese is asked for. It has a superior taste and excellent melting qualities – and tastes great even when cooling down. Real cheese is made from fresh cow’s milk with no added flavourings. It is a highly valuable grocery and part of a health conscious diet. Cheese is an excellent source of protein.
02. Due to its short maturing time, mozzarella is a fresh tasting type of cheese. It is produced by kneading and subsequent brewing and then spun thus gaining its characteristic fibrous texture.